I Love to Read YA

Monday, June 18, 2018

Hello everyone! Happy Monday :)

This post will be a bit of a rant so bear with me here. I attended SIX graduation parties so far this month and while I was there, I ended up talking to quite a bunch of new people. While at one of the parties, I met these two other people that were around my age. I'll name them "Andy" and "Mandy". We were talking about our hobbies, Andy likes to play video games, Mandy loves swimming. Cool cool! The moment I told them I liked reading YA books they gave me a look. 

Andy personally didn't say much about me reading YA books, but Mandy on the other hand, started to talk down to me in a condescending manner. She asked why do I read "kid books" and that she stopped reading books like that since she was 16. She says that she only reads published articles and books that contain facts and statistics. I simply told her that I enjoyed reading to stretch my imagination out. I didn't want to start an argument with her or Andy, so I just moved onto the next topic. This makes me wonder, why is it so bad for someone that is "old" to enjoy a book that is catered towards 12-18-year-old? 

Sure, the books in YA cover silly topics such as finding the perfect dress, perfect love, and perfect life, but isn't that what everyone wants? I read YA for the story that it brings me. I love reading about the conflicts that a protagonist encounters and seeing how much they grow. They struggle just like every person to accomplish their dreams. It is a genre of endless possibilities. Is it more mature to read about 101 diverse ways to organize my paperwork? Sure. Is it more fun? For me (and probably for most of you) no.

 At least I am reading. A YA book is usually 55,000 - 80,000 words per book. If we average those two numbers, it is 65,000 words. I read about one book every two weeks (some books I finish faster or slower, but I'll give myself two weeks), which means I read 1,755,000 words a year roughly. I'm doing this for FUN. I don't know about you, but that is a lot of words. A lot of my friends don't even read books any more.

Young Adult is such a huge genre with so many sub genres. You like to read about romance? I can give you a list of Sarah Dessen books for you to read. You want to read about magic? Well there's the Harry Potter series! How about books that take place in the future? Let me introduce you to The Hunger Games and Divergent series. There are YA books about ghosts, farming, dragon riding, everyday high school life, worrying about college, alternate dimensions, superheroes, etc. Your imagination can run free and wild!

Lastly, to Andy and Mandy (mostly to Mandy) if you somehow stumble upon this post, I don't judge what you do as a hobby. I have joined many book clubs where there are readers from all backgrounds. The youngest YA reader I've ever met was 8 and the oldest I've met was 66. I've talked to people from Malaysia, Peru, Germany and many more countries that read YA for fun. All that matters is that I'm having fun being me. And you two should too. Don't judge them for what their hobbies are, support them instead. Thank you to all that have read this post. 


  1. I have read Classics, middle grades, YA, since I was twelve! And I still do, and I ain't gonna change that until I want to.
    Plus, the YA age range also stretches into the early twenties in some cases.

    1. Yeah I completely agree with you. I've been reading for years. YA is just a broad range of themes. I bet everyone can find at least one YA book that they like no matter their personality.

    2. Exactly. And some Middle Grades are labled YA at certain places. Or the other way around.

  2. I love this genre I really do and it doesn't matter how old or young I am, I plan on reading it for a long time.

    1. Me too :D YA Book are great! Doesn't matter what genre someone likes, as long as they're enjoying the book.

  3. It sometimes feels like every genre has its detractors, doesn't it? Romance, Fantasy, YA--even fiction in general. They just don't know what they are missing!

    I still remember when my mom found me browsing through the YA Fantasy novels at the bookstore several months ago, and she felt the need to point out I was looking at YA books. As if I didn't know that already. When we got back to my house, I noticed the book she'd brought with her to read--The Hate U Give. She had no idea it was labeled YA (I wish I could afford to give a copy of that book to every grown up in my life . . .).

    1. Yeah, it felt like they just wanted to be better than other people. Hobbies are hobbies! As long as they don't hurt anyone, they shouldn't be criticized for doing that hobby.

      That is really funny. Everyone can enjoy YA books. It doesn't matter how old you are :)

  4. I agree, the breadth and depth of YA is huge. I mean it covers everything- fantasy, contemp, whatever. there really is something for everyone, I believe, except for the non- readers lol. I don't get the derision towards YA either, except I think a lot of people who don't know about it just have a misperception. That's the only thing I can think of!

    The other thing is, YA and book blogging can bring people together wh would otherwise never have a conversation, as you allude to. So there's that! And as for Mandy's specific comment- yikes the stuff she reads sounds booooring lolol.

    1. I just don't understand the hate. It wasn't necessary at all because a hobby is a hobby. As long as that hobby isn't hurting anyone, it is all good in my books!

      I've met so many people from blogging, joining online book clubs and physical book clubs. What she reads sounds like what she read for school and not for fun. I mean I read published articles for school too, I just didn't enjoy them LOL.

  5. Reading is about having fun and being entertained and there is nothing wrong in adults reading YA books at all. Everyone should read what they enjoy and not be made to feel bad about it. Sounds to me like Mandy needs some good fiction books to learn her about the real world! She's the one who is missing out!

    1. If she ever comes to me asking for recs I'm going to be like " I told you so" in my head xD. Seriously! Don't knock it until you've tried it Mandy.

  6. Mandy must be bored out of her mind if that's all she ever reads! I'm all for people have different preferences and choosing to read what they love, but it feels like she was just trying to be snooty and appear better than you. Reading YA does not make you less than someone else, and it doesn't mean you're childish. YA has a HUGE range of topics that covers everything you can think of, and some of those books have helped to shape the person I am today. Don't ever feel bad for loving the books that you do! The blogging community has your back. <3

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Honestly, I don't care what anyone reads or if they even read in the first place. It just bothered me that she thought I was a kid for reading YA books. Thank you for being awesome Lindsi <3 <3 <3

  7. Never apologise or explain for your love of YA. No need for it. Not even to say, “I love it because...” when you have been challenged. You know what? Children often prefer non fiction and I write the stuff for them, and as a teacher librarian I’ve found the “at least they’re reading” grumble applied to non fiction, which makes me fume. I love both. Someone, I forget who, once said that adult books are about important stuff, like divorce, whereas children’s books are about unimportant things like saving the world and the battle between good and evil. You know - books like Harry Potter? The Hunger Games? So frivolous!

    1. Thank you! I think every hobby is fine as long as it doesn't harm anyone. Reading YA doesn't affect other people. It is for my pure enjoyment only.
