Top Ten YA Characters I Would Marry

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Happy Tuesday everyone!

So, around the blogging world, a lot of people do "Top Ten X Tuesdays." I decided to join in this week with my very own Top Ten list. Albeit, this is a very silly list. As someone who reads 90% YA books, it means that I read A LOT of books that contain romance. Now, some guys in these books are to die for. Some characters, when I read what they say, do, or think, makes my heart beat fast like a hummingbird. So here are ten guys I wouldn't mind saying "I do" to ;)

1. Eli from Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen

Along for the Ride

Eli is an insomniac, just like me. In this book, he helps Auden basically live the life that she has missed. When reading this book, I wanted to find a guy like Eli who could give me the push I need to explore new things in life. He is a sweet, caring, funny, and a bit of a brooder. Overall, he is the type of guy that I can imagine myself growing old with and when I'm like 67 years old would encourage me to go on the tallest roller coaster in the world.  

2. Sapphire from Bitterblue by Kristen Cashore

Bitterblue (Graceling Realm, #3)

Man, Saf is one of my older crushes when I was younger. I loved how mysterious he was through Bitterblue's eyes. Also, his Grace is so freaking sweet. He can give people dreams. Any dreams that you can imagine, he can give it to you. In the book, you can see how invested he is in Bitterblue and how much he loves her. I just want someone to hold me the same way Saf held Bitterblue <3 

3. Jason from Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan

The Lost Hero (The Heroes of Olympus, #1)

I don't know why, but I liked Jason more than Percy. There is something about the confidence and leadership skills that Jason naturally possesses that makes him attractive. Also, he can fly. I would love to be able to fly as well. Maybe Jupiter can give me a bit of that gift as well ;D

4. Peeta from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins 

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)

Oh man, I was on Team Peeta since day 1. He is such a compassionate character. When I read about how he loved Katniss since they were little kids, it made my heart grow 60 times bigger. He is so genuine with his love and you can see that he'll take care of you no matter what happens. Plus, he can bake awesome dinner rolls every night or camouflage you into a tree if you want to play hide n seek. He is also extremely charismatic, and I can probably listen to him all day. Bonus, the actor for Peeta in the movies, Josh Hutcherson, is also super cute! 

5. Thorne from Cress (The Lunar Chronicle series) by Marissa Meyer 

Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3) 

This is probably the most "bad boy" person on my list. Thorne is a troublemaker. He is a person I know if I'm involved with, the story will never end. He'll bring you on adventures left and right with no hesitation. He is super sarcastic and egotistical, but not in an annoying way. Thorne is a character that makes you laugh with him not at him. He is very flirtatious but when it comes to someone he cares about, that changes immediately. 

6. Kai from Cinder (The Lunar Chronicle series) by Marissa Meyer

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1) 

Yes, I picked two characters from the same universe. FIGHT ME. So, Kai is the opposite of Thorne. What can I say? I like a variety of traits. Kai is loving and humble. He cares so much about his people's future that he was willing to marry someone he hated to ensure their survival. Kai is also very smart and has a very open mind to the world around him. He is confident, self-assured, sarcastic, and selfless. Not to mention, he's a freaking prince. 100% Husband material.

7. Will from The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare 

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, #1)

You cannot read about Will Herondale and NOT fall in love with him. He is one of the best Shadowhunters you can ever meet (granted... I haven't read all the books in the other series yet, but Will is still my favorite). Will is caring and would risk his life for the people that he loves. Sure, he is sarcastic, rude, childish, and egotistical, but I think he uses those traits to seem invincible. He is a very kind and caring character on the inside. You just need to dig deeper a little. Plus, I have a soft spot for English men <3 

8. Chaol from Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas

Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass, #6)

I'm starting to think I have a thing for stubborn men. Not only is Chaol stubborn, but he is FEARLESS. He is one of those guys that are so confident you can't help but admire them (and swoon as they walk pass you). He is also a loving person that cares for his friends, his lovers, his country, and his men. He worked hard to get into the position that he is in and is very proud to be Dorian's friend and closest ally. In Tower of Dawn, you can see how much he has grown from book #1. He overcame his trauma, depression, and regrets to become an even stronger person. Lastly, he might be the hottest character on this list with how Maas describes him LOL. 

9. Cal from Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard

Red Queen (Red Queen, #1)

Cal is hot. Literally. Jokes aside, he is a very stubborn, strong willed character that wears a mask, so no one knows his feelings. He loves his father and brother so much that it hurts him (and me). Cal has to decide throughout the series between what he believes is right and what others believe is right for his kingdom. He is kind, brave, and selfless to protect those he cares about. Although he is hot headed (literally), he warms a place in my heart. 

10. Jacob from North of Beautiful by Justina Chen

North of Beautiful

Now, I'm not really into goths, but Jacob is an exception. With being the "odd" one all his life, he finds no reason to judge other people in his life. Jacob focuses on living his life to the best of his abilities. He doesn't care what people sees him as or the expectations of others. I think because of how his character is, he'll probably be one of the most supportive husbands ever. 

That is all everyone! This was a random but fun list to make. I'm sure there are like 60 BAJILLION other characters for me out there that I would love. Are there any literary characters you would marry? Let me know in the comments down below! 

P.S. About 50% through with Reign the Earth


  1. Sworn worthy. I'd marry Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Kai, or Keefe Sencen. <3

    1. Absolutely great choices! I forgot about Leo <3 <3 <3

    2. Leo and Percy were my biggest crushes out of Rick Rriordan's series!

    3. For me it was Jason and Percy <3 but I like Jason a lot more xD I heard in The Trials of Apollo, I'm going to change my mind about the characters LOL

    4. Ooh, I haven't read Trials of Apollos or Magnus Chase yet. I'm waiting a while, so I can make a bigger dent in my TBR before I get hooked on them lol :)

    5. Same here! Plus I would love to one day have all of Riordan's books collected and displayed. He's such an amazing author.

    6. Agreed! I love everything he writes!

  2. I would love to marry Edward Cullen from Twilight or Riden from Daughter of the Pirate King

    1. Edward Cullen would have been perfect for me until I met a classmate named Edward CULLER. So every time I heard Edward Cullen I thought of him LOL. Still a great choice though :)!

    2. I always wanted Jacob for myself so Bella could have Edward lol.

    3. I agree and I also have a classmate with a similar name

  3. I don't have any interest in the book boyfriend thing I'm afraid! I read the books then move on!

    1. That is perfectly fine :D Everyone is different!

  4. I'm not personally interested in them, but I enjoyed Wolf as a character more than Thorne. However, I'm only halfway through Cress and Thorne is starting to grow on me. He's protective and determined despite what's happened to them. (They're still in the desert right now!) Kai was frustrating... <3

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Cress is my favorite book out of the four! I love the dynamic of the two characters. Hope you love them too <3
