Who Would I Be Stuck on an Island With?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday!

So, I was thinking to myself, if there came to a situation where I was stranded on an island and needed to find the best method home, which character from a book I've read this year would be the best person to be stuck with. The main goal is to find a way back into civilization if possible. If not, I would have to pick someone that I would be content living on the island with. The contestants are only main or supporting characters from books that I have read this year. So, if a character was present in book #1 but disappears in book #2 and I read book #2 this year, I wouldn't be able to pick that character. So far this year I have finished five books and almost done with book number six. I will pick only one character from each book.

Here are the lucky winners! (Or unlucky since they'll be stuck on an island with me ....) 

1. Adelina from The Midnight Star
2. Wen from Of Dreams and Rust
3. Erik from The Crown
4. Violet from Dead Silence 
5. Abbey from The Hidden
6. Cole from Sinner

Alright! I'm going to kick some people off the list right away.

Some characters have no value in my opinion when it comes to getting off the island. So, the first three people I'm going to scratch off my list are Wen, Erik and Abbey. Abbey is the most useless character out of the list because her only skill or "super power" is to make perfumes. Erik wouldn't offer much as well besides sweet company on a lonely island. Wen's skill with medical aid can be very useful in a deserted island situation, but chances are we most likely won't have any medical supplies and she wouldn't recognize majority of the plants on X island. That leaves us with the final three choices. 

(I just figured out how to put GIFs on my blog and it's so much fun!)

Okay! Adelina must GOOOOOOOOOO. Sorry Adelina, but in the last book she kind of falls off her hinges. I don't think her illusions would be of significant help either unless she can create an illusion boat that can bring us to civilization. I'm also afraid that she might snap at me one day and just kill me. So sorry Adelina I don't think you're the one :(

Now picking the next person to get crossed off was difficult. Cole, I think would be of major help since he can turn into a wolf and hunt for us on the island. That is assuming there are land animals to hunt and eat. If we're left with just fishes.... It will be harder. Also, wolves work best in packs and I'm sorry but I'm just an average girl with an average skill set. Not to mention, I love him in the books, but I don't think I would love him in person. His personality is a bit irritable to me.

So, the winner is Violet. Now, I know what a lot of people are thinking, "Violet?! SHE CAN ONLY FIND DEAD PEOPLE!!!" Yes, that's 100% true, but she is valuable and let me explain why. She has a team full of psychics. She was kidnapped and found by her team once, so I believe they can find her again. The organization is adamant that Violet never leaves, so if she disappears one day, they would do everything they can to find her. The organization is also rich enough to fund a search for her. Since there are scientists that are available to research psychic abilities, I believe they can gather enough clues to find where in the world we are. Yeah... this is a stretch.... Maybe Cole's fans can find him as well, but I think I have a better chance with Violet. The only bad thing is if I must hunt for food, poor Violet will see like 40 echoes on me. 

Alright guys! There is my process of elimination for my little Island Survival situation. This was a bit fun to think about, so I'll probably bring this back again. I also figured out how to put GIFs into my posts, so it's been a blast! Let me know if you like or hate it. Book review of Sinner should be out around next week! Out of those six characters who would you want to be stuck on an island with and why? Let me know in the comments down below!

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